Tanqueray London Dry Gin 1 Litre
供應中 Tanqueray Gin has a blend of the purest four-times-distilled spirit and a hand picked selection of four botanicals, London Dry Gin offers uniquely balanced ...
Tanqueray 1L
供應中 Tanqueray London Dry Gin is one of the world's favourite Gins. Known for pristine quality and a pure, clean taste, Tanqueray is distilled four times.
Tanqueray Gin
A perfect balance of four botanicals. Ingredients that remain unchanged since they were first used by Charles Tanqueray. The bartender´s choice for the perfect ...
Tanqueray (Blackcurrant Royal) Gin · Tanqueray (Blackcurrant Royal) Gin · HK$270 ; Tanqueray (Lovage) Gin - litre · Tanqueray (Lovage) Gin - litre · HK$450 ...
Tanqueray Gin
供應中 Intense and bright rosy colour.Slightly candy like aroma, blend of watermelon, water fruit and melon.Long finish with a watermelon note, slightly acid.. HK$133.
嚴選四種植物精華,經過三次蒸餾而成,它提供獨特的平衡氈酒口感。據說倫敦氈酒是Frank Sinatra喜愛的氈酒,其烈性與複雜度使之長期以來深受時尚、電影和音樂明星的喜愛。現在 ...
A crisp and herbaceous limited-edition spirit from one of the world's most famous gin brands. The key botanical here is lovage, an aromatic perennial herb.